Server Configuration

Apart from Master Channels' settings, you can also customise your server globally with some simple commands.


Change the prefix (default: em!) with the command:

em!settings prefix <new-prefix>


You can enable/disable invites for your users' channel with the following command:

em!settings invites

You will be asked if you want to enable or disable invites; respond with the reactions.

Channel Sync

The channel sync option (off by default) will make all temporary channels inherit permissions from the category they are created in. Change it with the command:

em!settings channelsync <on / off>

Normal Channel Text

The normal channel text option (on by default) will make all of your normal channels create a temporary text channel linked to them, which will be deleted when everyone leaves the channel. Change the option with:

em!settings normalChannelText <on / off>

User Channel Text

The user channel text option (on by default) will make all of your normal channels create a temporary text channel linked to them, which will be deleted when everyone leaves the channel. Change the option with:

em!settings userChannelText <on / off>

You can disable one single master channel's user channel text option with the command:

em!settings userChannelText <on / off / default> <master-channel-id>

Waiting Room Name

The waiting room option will allow you to decide the name of the waiting rooms in your server. Change it with:

em!settings waitingRoom <waiting-room-name>

You can use these variables in your waiting room's names: %owner% and %channel%.


The logging options allow you to customise how the bot will log your user's actions.

Enable/Disable logging with:

em!settings logging <on / off>

You'll also need to choose where logs should be sent with:

em!settings logChannel #your-channel

EmpyManager will send notifications (channel creation and channel destruction) in the selected channel + a plain text file containing all text channel's messages and actions (user joining, user leaving, user editing a message, user deleting a message, etc).

Last updated

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